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F irst: Four geniuses.
Another joins.
And so: Five geniuses.

Next: O
ne leaves
and a
nother joins.
And so, five geniuses again,
but not quite like before.

And then one leaves
and a new one comes.


From here the story gets more complicated.

1979. The comedy is over.
Tragedy has set in.


In 1979, the end was near. It came quick and hard and the casualties were many, including of course those geniuses and fellow travelers who were still there in 1979 and had not already been casualtied.

As for those who are still alive today, all these decades later, I believe they are still catching their breaths right now. That is my belief, but I do not know. I do not know anything except the stuff on this website. And a lot of this is opinion and speculation.  

But this is not fiction, and this is not fantasy, and this is not whimsy. This is reality. In this year, right now, this reality is still unfolding. The final ending has not yet been written.


It is a matter of time and fate. 

Welcome. I am truly glad you are here.



Fourteen years after the end--the first end--there was an honest-to-God resurrection, and it was glorious for a short time.

But the tragedy is real, and it is still unfolding right now, as we live and breathe and read these words. There may be nothing at all we can do to stop it or slow it or do anything but listen to the music, and love the music, and love the people who made it.

If you know what this website is about, you are a bloodthirsty bystander.

That is a good thing. They called us bloodthirsty bystanders. They invited us to stand by and watch as they built the greatest rock n' roll band ever, and then burned it to the ground and themselves in the process.



The beauty is forever. The genius is forever.

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